Monday, September 29, 2008

Yay for Me!!

I'm amazing! I sewed this almost all by myself. My sweet older sister helped me cut it out, but everything else was me! By the way, it's a nursing cover-up. (You know, one of those things that ties around the neck so the baby can't pull it off. It also has some boning in the front so that you can see the baby. It's supposed to help eliminate the need for two extra hands when you're trying to nurse AND stay modest) I found this really easy pattern on the internet and made it just today. It took me a couple of hours, but I'm slow. I'm really happy with the way it turned out and can't wait to actually use it. (hint, hint, baby)

Fall is Here!

Fall is officially here! How do I know? Forget the calendar and the equinox thing. Those are rather unreliable in my opinion. In our family, two things ALWAYS happen in the fall.

1. I start wanting to eat pumpkin anything (and everything).
2. Mark starts shopping for a new shotgun.

The shopping has been going on for at little while now and last night I made Grandma Bauer's Pumpkin Squares. Yummy. Please forgive the picture I know it looks a lot more like pumpkin splotch and not very appetizing, but it is delish! It takes every ounce of will power I have to not eat the whole pan in one sitting. So, welcome Fall! Be kind, stay a while, share your beautiful weather and don't let it start snowing too soon.

Friday, September 26, 2008


As a mother, every once in a while you have a moment when you realize that what you hope to teach your child has been sinking in. They seem to come so far between those feelings of inadequacy and doubt, but they really touch your heart somewhere deep.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Preschool Presentation, Good Deals, Charlie Brown

Cougar had "his day" in preschool today which meant I got to go and observe for the day. He basically got to choose what they did all day. He got to help lead the class in songs, decide what they did outside, which book they read (If You Give a Pig a Pancake), he even got to bring the snack (Teddy Grahams Trail Mix and Kool-aid) and present a poster about himself. We had worked on the poster the night before and he picked all kinds of pictures (many of which have been posted on this blog at some point) and colored it with markers. Since he started preschool I've been thrown for a loop because he's influenced by someone when I'm not there. He says things to me and talks about things and I have no idea what he's talking about. So, it was fun to be able to observe his class and his teacher. Things make a little more sense, now. Like when Cougar asked me one day out of the blue "May I have more milk, please" (I try to instill good manners, but have never worked on 'may I') Well, Miss Marilyn helps them to use good manners. When he was coloring his poster with markers he kept telling me "Listen for the clip" as he was putting the lid on. Today Miss Marilyn got out some markers and said "Make sure when you're done you put the lid on and listen for the click." It's just so strange to me to not know everything that Cougar is involved with anymore. It was also fun to see him interact with the other kids. It's a little different than when he's with his cousins or at nursery. He's rather funny. He was swinging on a two person swing with a little girl and they were getting pretty high and he yells at the top of his lungs "Miss Marilyn!" (he was pretending like I wasn't there most of the day) "We're on our way to Jesus!"

We went to DI today. I had a brilliant idea to use a dish drying rack to hold Cougar's bath toys (they never seem to get dry and it's really been driving me nuts lately. It's hard to get clean when the bath toys are slimy). I also have been on a picture book rampage. I searched the shelves of DI a while ago and found so many that we love that I can't go without spending about 1/2 hour searching for more fun books. Well, I found a real treasure today and just have to share. I found "Where the Wild Things Are" which is a book I believe no home should be without, but somehow we were without it. It's in pristine condition! No tears, marks or damage of any kind. It was a dollar. I felt like it was a little pricy for a second hand book and almost put it back, but it is a hardback. I talked my cheap self into it. (Yay me!)

I rented "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" for Cougar this week and he's watched it over and over and over again. (He's got a thing for pumpkins lately) I think he memorized it so I shouldn't be surprised that when I dropped something at DI today he said "Mom, you blockhead" I was a little taken a back, but he meant it in a loving way, like when I call him a stinker, but you should have seen the face of the old lady standing near us. She was shocked!

The picture is something Cougar found at DI that he absolutely couldn't live without and for 5o cents I thought "what the heck, we can add it to our sorry dress up box" He loves it and wore it for quite a while tonight. It you can't tell, it's a sunflower headband. Goofball.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Why is it so quiet??

I had one of those scary mom moments today. You know, when you suddenly realize it's way too quiet. I went looking for Cougar and here's what I found. He had rediscovered our meager supply of dressup items (It's hard to find dress up stuff for boys).

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Salem Pet Fair

Cougar and I went to the Salem Pet Fair today. I volunteer for a rescue and adoption agency and they were basically in charge of it, so I was helping. Cougar had a blast. He played on the playground for most of the day. Except when they were having worm races. Basically, each kid picks a worm and puts in in a circle that's about 3 inches in diameter. The first worm to make it out of the circle wins the race. Well, when the race was over the people in charge told a few of the little boys to keep the worms so Cougar ended up with a cup full of about 20 nightcrawlers. I've decided that's the best way to keep a little boy entertained he played with them for hours and is still playing with them. He also got this cool caterpillar painted on his face. He thinks he's the luckiest kid in the world.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Great End to the Day.

Cougar and I just went to the greatest thing ever! I signed us up for a Cradled in Literacy workshop, which is a little four week program put on by Spanish Fork City. It was entirely free (sounds great already, but it gets better) Basically, they took the kids and had licensed child care providers watch them (snacks and finger painting included) while the mothers/parents had a class about instilling a love of reading in children. Taught by a couple of women with big degrees and lots of experience. They gave us a binder full of ideas and tips and even a book. If You Give a Pig a Pancake. It was so cool! Then they bring the kids in with the parents and have you practice what you just talked about. I loved it! Cougar loved it. I feel all rejuvenated and ready to be that super fun mom I am in my dreams. I just can't wait for next week.

A Rough Start to the Day.

Last Saturday, Mark found a kitten in our yard that was sick and needed some love. As our house is always open to furry creatures in need of a little help I took him in right away and started nursing him back to health. He did okay for a while, but yesterday afternoon he made a very quick decline and at about bedtime it became clear to me that the little guy probably wasn't going to make it through the night. Knowing I had to help my little animal lover understand what was about to happen, I talked to Cougar about how he was very sick and hurting. I told him Heavenly Father might take him to live with him. I told Cougar he should say goodbye to him, just in case. We said goodbye, Cougar sang the kitty Twinkle Twinkle (his favorite song) and then we snuggled for a little while. Being a mommy (and often an impatient mommy) I've seen a lot of tears. Tantrum tears, Owie tears, Don't wanna go to bed tears, Frustrated Tears and Tired tears. Nothing compares to plain old Sad tears. Cougar was fighting to not cry about it, until I told him it was okay. I could just feel his poor heart breaking. We finished the night with Cougar saying two very earnest "Bless my kitty prayers". About an hour after he fell asleep the kitty passed on. This morning we got up early for a "sunrise service". Mark and I explained to Cougar that the kitty found a new home with Jesus. With a shoebox casket we went outside to find a proper place to bury it. Cougar lost it. He didn't want to bury it. I asked what we should do and he said we should put in in the garbage (that's what Mark does with his birds so I guess it makes sense to Cougar) . For the next half hour Cougar cried and told me over and over again that he doesn't like Jesus and wants his kitty back. That was so hard for me to hear. One of those moments that you feel like you're failing and wonder what you're doing wrong. I then felt inspired to tell Cougar about when my grandma died. I told him she was probably playing with our kitty right now. That helped him to feel lots better. I'm sure some would say that 3 1/2 is a little young to understand death, but I've never believed in lying about what happened. ("Fluffy ran away") So, thank you for reading my long blog entry, it was more for me than anyone else. I guess I'm grieving a little too. It does take a lot of energy and love to care for such a sick kitty. Love to all.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I just got bit by Satan's right hand mosquito. It bit me about an inch below my overstretched supposed-to-be-an-innie-but-is-an-outie belly button. Come on! Isn't my poor belly going through enough already. Cursed mosquito. I didn't even have the satisfaction of catching it in the act and swatting it. It got away with it and will probably go bite another unsuspecting prego belly. Where's the hydrocortisone?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby Ella is Here!!

Yeah whoa! Not my baby. It's still cooking. Jake and Tandi had their little girl. 6 pounds 14 ounces. We're so excited for them. Congratulations to Jake, Tandi and new big sister Halli!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Okay, in some ways he's growing way too fast, and in others he's dragging. All you mothers out there, I need some help! I need suggestions on how to get one strong-willed little boy to poop in the potty. The only way he is successful without fail is if he is naked. As soon as you put anything on that little bum it's fair game to poop in. I'm at my wits end! Help.

Growing Too Fast.

Cougar and I went to the library today and Cougar said "I want to go on the elebator." It broke my heart! For months he's called it an "alligator". He can't say it right! Where's the fun in that. Next thing you know he's going to be getting married! He's just growing way too fast!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Funny Sidenote

We went to a friend's wedding reception tonight (Congratulations again, Black Al). It was in the backyard of someone the bride knew, I think. One of those immaculately tended to gardens, just gorgeous. Cougar was off playing with some little boys. While we were watching them, two of these boys ran off to a corner of the garden, unzipped their pants and piddled right there among the flowers! Mark and I laughed so hard, (only because it wasn't our child). Cougar, luckily remained oblivious to what was going on and continued playing. If I was their mother I would have been mortified! (She didn't notice, by the way, and neither did their dad who was right there.) I know little boys have a tendency to go potty outside (okay, big boys do too). But, I never imagined they would do it in such a public place, while wearing their Sunday best! For the rest of my life I'm going to be watching my boys like a hawk at all outdoor wedding receptions!

Christopher Robin

It was stormy this afternoon, not terrible, but a little drizzly. Cougar saw it as the perfect opportunity to go outside and play. I imagine this is what Christopher Robin would look like if he were American and not such a prim and proper British child. Spiderman umbrella and good old muck boots.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Harvest Time!

We had homegrown corn for dinner tonight. Mark and I picked it right out of our yard and it was not only edible, but delicious! (IFA's TripleSweet corn seed, if you're wondering what kind it was) And what did we have to accompany this fine vegetable? Turkey Pastrami Sandwiches. Delish! I almost felt like I was back at Lake Powell. To top off such a fantastic dinner Mark came home right as I was dishing Cougar and I up (he was about 1/2 hour sooner than expected) so we got to eat together as a family. Wonderful! Cougar says "Thanks for making dinner, Mommy" just about every night. (Even when Daddy made it). Tonight he said "Great dinner, Mom!" I love that. It gives me just a glimpse of what it would be like if I actually enjoyed cooking. :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Cougar's First Day of School

Cougar had his first day of preschool yesterday. He was so excited to go. He's worked hard to get ready for the big day. He went right in with no problems and was too busy to say goodbye to his poor mommy. I only cried a little bit when I got to the car. He looked so handsome and so proud of himself.