Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What Would You Do?

I had to make a decision yesterday and was just wondering what others might do in the same situation. Reams is having a sell on fresh boneless skinless chicken breasts, $1.39 a pound. Wow, that's a great price! I stopped in to buy some. When I looked at the first package of chicken I noticed something that made my stomach lurch. A long black hair was packaged in nicely right along with the chicken. (I'll pause here while you struggle to hold back the vomit you feel working it's way to the surface.)

So, what would you do? I only saw one black hair and there were several other packages. Do you skip over the nasty one and buy the ones that look safe? Or do you assume all packages are contaminated and go pay at least a dollar more per pound elsewhere? I'm not going to tell you what I did. I just am curious what you might do.


tiff said...

I would buy the one with the hair unless it is curly.Todd

Mary said...

First of all, I'm laughing at the first comment, haha!
Judge me if you must, but I would buy the non-hair ones anyway. I know people (my brother in law in particular) who would freak out and not buy any of them, but I'm just not one to be too concerned, as long as the one I bought didn't have the hair. I also don't put don't toilet seat covers in public restrooms. Yup, I live life on the edge. :)

Mary said...

Oops, I meant "don't put down" not "don't put don't."

Heidi Hillman said...

I think I'd have bought the others. I would have had to think about it for a while first, though.
A deal like that is hard to pass up!

Carrie said...

First of all, Todd, you are so bad! Next, I would buy the others.

Lindsay said...

I would get one with out the hair in it.

Shannon and Doug said...

I would buy the one with a hair in it, take a picture, send it to the company and get lots of free hairless chicken! ;)