Saturday, June 21, 2008

Strawberry Days Rodeo

We went to the Strawberry Days Rodeo last night and had a wonderful time. It was a little hard for Cougar to sit still, but luckily we got there and were able to find seats where we could get down and go for walks without having to climb over anybody. Mark and Cougar went outside the rodeo grounds on one of these little walks and in order to get back in they were given a green cowboy stamp on their hands. Cougar thinks it's a picture of him. Goofy kid. Right before mutton bustin' started I told Cougar about how some kids were going to ride some sheep. "Me! " he said. "I wanna ride a sheep" After the first kid came out and promptly fell off he was content to watch. He did say "I can do that." Multiple times during bareback riding. We did discover that Cougar really doesn't like strawberries, but that was just fine with me because I got to eat his helping of strawberries 'n' cream. YUM! For the half time show (or pre bull riding entertainment) they had a couple guys come out and do freestyle motocross. Cougar has fallen in love with yet another sport. Having not had a nap all day and it being around 9:00 he was a tired little cowboy, but when those motorcycles started jumping he perked up and was clapping and screaming. He went absolutely nuts when they did backflips. Shortly after that he ate a cheeseburger and fell asleep.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wilson Arch

On the way home from Arizona we stopped outside of Moab and hiked up to Wilson Arch, which is that arch right of the highway. We got up to the top and you could see for a long way. Cougar was nervous and would let go of one of us because it was so high. He said as I was climbing up "Mommy, Jesus lives up here." He must have thought he was in heaven. Sweet boy.
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The Navajo Nation Zoo

After going to flea markets and up on the Mesa (where people live on a cliff and somehow have children, too) on Friday. We went to another flea market and then the Window Rock zoo on Saturday. Cougar loves it. It's the only free zoo I've ever heard of and just has animals native to the area, but you get a lot closer than you do at the Hogle Zoo. They have bobcats, cougar, wolves, deer, bear and lots of other animals. They also have a few hogans and a wagon to see as well.
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On The Way

We headed down to Arizona to see Gayle and Lorraine last Thursday. It was a long drive, but we had a good time. I don't recommend giving a three year old ice cream on a long car ride though. Here's what Cougar did between Moab and Blanding. I was driving and Mark was resting so no one looked back to check on him. He sure was having a good time, though.
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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Baseball Game

Cougar and I had the opportunity to go to David's baseball game on Monday. Cougar is the ultimate cheerleader. He loves yelling to the team. "Go Marlins!!" David was up to bat first one inning and I told Cougar to watch. The pitcher was warming up and David was warming up. Cougar was excited to see some action and he was yelling "David, you can do it!" He yelled that a few times then turns to my mom and I and says "He's not doing it". It gave us all quite a laugh.

He's getting to be funnier and funnier. Lately he's been telling us that he doesn't want a baby anymore (Like it's his choice). Today he told me it's okay to have a new baby as long as it's a cowboy baby. He was looking at one of my baby name books that has cartoon babies on the cover. There is a cowboy baby. Living out here in Lake Shore it shouldn't be too hard to have a cowboy baby. It's just going to be a horseless cowboy. Maybe we can teach the baby to ride the goat instead.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yay for Me!!!

I have corn growing!!!! It's popping up all over!! I was beginning to worry that I wasn't going to have anything grow, but it's working!!! I also have a few pea plants starting to poke through. We now officially live on a farm. "Crops" are growing!
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Yesterday, on his way home from work Mark nearly hit this little Chihuahua. It was running around on a very busy street with no collar so he brought it home for me to deal with. I called the Animal Shelter and they asked a few questions about him and then told me that a man had been in to release him to the shelter and when he found out they were going to charge him he got mad and left. He must have just dumped the dog, because Mark found him not far away from the shelter at all. I asked if since it was an owner release and not just a stray if I could just take him and get him adopted out through Lost Paws (a shelter rescue organization I work pretty closely with) They agreed so we are fostering him in one of the stables behind our house. He's a great little guy! Very outgoing and good with Cougar and David. We named him Cowboy because he was covered in cow pie when we found him. He has since had a bath and is very fun to have around. This little guy won't last long at all.
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David's Stay

Uncle David has been staying with us while Grandma is at Girl's Camp. Cougar loves having his uncle around to play with. Here they are in their matching pjs Grandma Rosalie made for them. They've stayed up late, played outside riding bikes and catching animals. One their favorite things to do on this rainy day is catch the flies that are constantly buzzing around the house and feed them to the frogs. David's pretty good at it. (Mark was kind enough to show David how to pull a wing off so the frogs can actually catch the flies. Thanks, Mark). David really loves Cougar's chickens Leia and Leo. I know it's a strange thing to say, but they really are sweet chickens.
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Cougar & Juniper

Cougar loves to help us take care of the animals around here. He enjoyed brushing our little beagle Juniper. She seems to be enjoying it, too. She is so good with him, very patient and dare I say it, long suffering. :)
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Cougar's Birthday

All right! A few of you have made comments that I'm a little behind on my blog so here's the updates.

Cougar had a wonderful birthday! 3 years old, I can hardly believe it! We went bowling at Jack and Jill's and had cake and ice cream there, too. They gave him a bowling pin to have people sign. He calls it his treasure and has even slept with it a few times. (He's also dropped it on his foot a few times)

I made Cougar's birthday cake and was proud of it! I'm not an expert at cake decorating, but I try. In my family it's a tradition to make a "fancy" cake like this and I've got a lot to learn before I can compare to some of the cakes my mom made for us when I was growing up. (Like my HUGE horse cake. She made the entire horse! Legs, tail, mane. It was amazing!!)

Cougar shares his birthday with Grandma Kindlespire and this year it was her 50th! We had a surprise party for her down at BYU. We love Grandma and were so happy to share this special day with her.

We had one more present waiting for Cougar when we got home that night. A new big boy bike! He was so excited about it, but he refuses to push the pedals. He does like it when Daddy pushes him on it though. Watching him ride that bike I had one of those where-did-my-baby-go moments. He looked so big sitting on a real bike.

We have proof that Cougar is 3. He's started asking "Why?" Everything I say requires a 10 minute explanation. What a wonderful stage!
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