Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Present
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Promises Kept
Another, Mommy has more patience. I've recently been thinking about a line from Evan Almighty (no, I don't usually get inspiration from Steve Carrell, but he makes me laugh really hard.) The movie said "When people pray for patience, are they given patience OR are they given the OPPORTUNITY to be patient?" Wow, that got me thinking. Every night I pray for more patience with my active, little guy and every morning I am granted the opportunity to see what Heavenly Father has blessed me with. I just need to always remember that he's right there beside me and that everything I do with Cougar can go one of two ways.
Another miracle happened just a few minutes ago and it's what got me wanting to share. It's such a small thing, but it meant a lot. A few years ago I made us stockings. Mark and Cougar's are made out of matching camo fabric. I realized that Phoenix didn't have one and didn't want him to be left out. (Not that he cares now, but in a few years he will care that Daddy and Cougar have stockings that match) Well, I was all prepared to go to the fabric store later to see if I could find something similar, I was scrounging up all the change I could find to pay for it, when I had the feeling to go look in a particular box in the garage. When I did, there was left over fabric with plenty to make a matching stocking for Chubs. Little things like this have been happening to us all the time lately. How grateful we are not only for the blessings, but for the ability to recognize them for what they truly are. One of the greatest blessings we've received is realizing how much more enjoyable the season is when we don't get caught up in the commercialism of it. I've made several presents for the family and can't wait to see the reaction. More so, than the gifts I did end up buying. I'm so excited! What an amazing Christmas season!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Snow Day

We woke up to a few inches of fresh snow on the ground. What a beautiful sight, I just love untouched snow. Well, it couldn't stay untouched for long, Cougar was anxious to play in it. I dug out his snow things and found my snow boots. Phoenix was well fed, changed and just settling down to a nice nap in his favorite place, the swing. I decided to go out with Cougar and give him some well deserved one-on-one time with Mommy. We had a blast! The first thing he did was lay down and make some snow angels.

Friday, December 12, 2008
A Dinner Conversation
Mommy "With an X-ray machine."
Cougar "Can the doctors see Jesus in our bones?"
Mommy "No, you can't see Jesus, you feel him."
Cougar "Where?"
Mommy "In your heart."
Cougar "Where?"
Mommy "In your heart." I now put my hand over my heart.
Cougar "By your shoulder?"
Mommy "Umm....yes."
Cougar "Okay" He goes back to scarfing his pasta.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Zwaggle is a national network of parents who have come together to share. | ||
It's simple: You receive Zwaggle points (or Zoints) by giving your gently used things to other families, then use those Zoints to obtain "new" things for your family. Sound financially smart? Ecologically responsible? Like a fun way to provide for your kids? It is! |
Phoenix Update

We blessed Phoenix on Sunday and it was such a special day. Mark did a really good job with the blessing. It was so amazing to have our families together. Lorraine made the tux, doesn't he look so sweet? My dad made his famous Chicken Noodle Soup for the get together afterward and I should have told him there were twice as many people coming so we would have lots of leftovers. Cougar fell asleep on Grandma Davis' couch around 6. So, we stayed and watched the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional. It was a great day!
On Tuesday, Phoenix had his two month check. He's officially a fatty. At 24 inches long he is in the 83rd percentile. (He was in the 77th at his two week check) Being 13 pounds! puts him in the 78th percentile. He was only in the 19th at his two week check. He has really porked up. Dr. Glade was thoroughly impressed. what a chunk!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I Almost Feel Like A Person.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
"Okay..." I said not knowing where that came from, but he's often saying very strange things. As I'm buckling him up he tells me he's got candy in a paper bag he was carrying his stuffed animals in. "What?" I open the bag and sure enough right there with his stuffed monkey is a package of Sour Patch Kids. He was quickly marched back to the store where we talked about how stealing was wrong and he had to apologize to the manager (Daddy). I felt kind of rotten that I hadn't been watching him close enough to notice. I was shocked that my sweet boy was turning into a criminal. (I had visions of piercing and tattoos and crazy hair on my sweet little boy in a bright orange jumpsuit) I gave myself a big F on my forehead. Then I realized that he knew it was wrong and he felt bad about it. That means I'm doing something right. We had a teaching moment and hopefully he won't do it again. I can remember stealing a mailbox of conversation hearts when I was around 4 or so. I had eaten all but one before my mom noticed, and the only reason she did notice was because I proudly proclaimed that I was going to share the last one with my older sister, Heidi. I turned out all right (at least I think I did) so there's still hope for Cougie.
Helping Mom

Saturday, November 22, 2008
Family Pictures!
By the way, the panda is not a third child. You've got to pick your battles and Cougar really wanted to hold the stinkin' thing. It didn't really help him smile, but at least he's not screaming.
Blog Rename
Thursday, November 13, 2008
This was said while telling Daddy about our trip to the Bean Museum today.
Translation. "We went to the museum. We were on a scavenger hunt for worthogs. They have horns." He also decided that one of the lions, "With the hair all around" (a mane) looks like Daddy. We had a fun trip. Cougar was so excited and amazingly well behaved.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Pheasants and Phreezers
I've said this before, but I really don't get the obsession with birds. I try to be supportive and I really do enjoy seeing Mark win something that is important to him, but if we stopped raising birds tomorrow I don't think I'd miss it. However, this show made it worth it to me. Every year at the show they have a big raffle. We have won little things(boxes of cheese its and various other things) But this year, we won BIG. Cougar's ticket was drawn for a brand new, still in the box, 21 cubic foot, upright, frigidaire freezer. I couldn't hardly believe it. I've been wanting a freezer for soooooooo long! I'm so excited! That's the power of positive thinking. I had been telling everyone all weekend that it was mine. I was going to win it. What a blessing! I can't wait to go to costco now I've got some real freezer space!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What Would You Do?
So, what would you do? I only saw one black hair and there were several other packages. Do you skip over the nasty one and buy the ones that look safe? Or do you assume all packages are contaminated and go pay at least a dollar more per pound elsewhere? I'm not going to tell you what I did. I just am curious what you might do.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The Past Week
On Saturday, Mark went hunting with his dad and older brother Todd. Nobody got anything and they came home much earlier than expected. Mark got to come with us to Pumpkinland at a nursery in Orem. It was nice to have him around (we're kind of forgetting what's it's like to be all together at the same time.)
Phoenix had his two week check on Tuesday. He now weighs 7 pounds 11 ounces and is 21 inches long. I personally was surprised that he hadn't gained more weight. He eats just about every 2 hours, sheesh. His numbers put him in the 21st percentile for weight and head size and the 77th for length. So, just like the other boys in the house he is tall and skinny. I really don't get to fit in I've got Kindlespire genes which means short and squatty. (Thanks again, Dad) :)
And last, but not least Mark got the biggest deer of his life on Tuesday. He went back out with Gayle and it payed off. It's a three by four that he is very proud of. Cougar thought it was pretty cool. It is currently hanging up outside waiting for me to make jerky. (I don't get hunting, but I'm happy for Mark!)
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Introducing Phoenix Kimball Davis
Phoenix and Daddy. It's been so fun to see Mark with Phoenix. He's an old pro at this baby thing now and just makes the cutest Daddy. He's been so incredibly supportive through very difficult times for me. He's the greatest decision I've ever made. I love you, Sweetheart!
I realized Mark didn't even blog our little guy's name. It's Phoenix Kimball Davis and we're so excited that he's finally here. What a miracle. It amazes me how deeply you can love a person, how much love can be in one heart. It's amazing how you can be completely incomplete and not realize it until that spot you didn't know was empty is filled up. I've felt that when I married Mark and then again when Cougar came to us and once again with Phoenix. I've heard all the time how you just find more love for the children added to your family, you don't love anybody any less you just love more. How true it is. I already can't imagine my life without this little guy.
Cougar has been so good with him. He's gentle and kind and tells me he loves his baby.
We're all doing very well and thank you all for your amazing love and support.
Monday, October 6, 2008
HE is here
Friday, October 3, 2008
May Be Too Much Info.
PS If that was more than you wanted to know about me, then sorry.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
For Heidi.
1/2 cup softened butter
1 egg
Mix and press into a well greased 9 X 13 pan
2. 1 can 29oz pumpkin
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 eggs
2/3 cup evaporated milk
1/2 t salt
1 1/2 t ginger
1/2 t cinnamon
1 1/4 t nutmeg
1/2 t cloves
Mix well and pour over crust
3. 1/4 cup sugar
1 cup yellow cake mix
1/4 cup softened butter
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional)
Mix, crumble and sprinkle over mixture.
Bake at 350 for 50 minutes.
Can serve with whip cream on top. (I highly reccomend that)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Yay for Me!!

I'm amazing! I sewed this almost all by myself. My sweet older sister helped me cut it out, but everything else was me! By the way, it's a nursing cover-up. (You know, one of those things that ties around the neck so the baby can't pull it off. It also has some boning in the front so that you can see the baby. It's supposed to help eliminate the need for two extra hands when you're trying to nurse AND stay modest) I found this really easy pattern on the internet and made it just today. It took me a couple of hours, but I'm slow. I'm really happy with the way it turned out and can't wait to actually use it. (hint, hint, baby)
Fall is Here!

Fall is officially here! How do I know? Forget the calendar and the equinox thing. Those are rather unreliable in my opinion. In our family, two things ALWAYS happen in the fall.
1. I start wanting to eat pumpkin anything (and everything).
2. Mark starts shopping for a new shotgun.
The shopping has been going on for at little while now and last night I made Grandma Bauer's Pumpkin Squares. Yummy. Please forgive the picture I know it looks a lot more like pumpkin splotch and not very appetizing, but it is delish! It takes every ounce of will power I have to not eat the whole pan in one sitting. So, welcome Fall! Be kind, stay a while, share your beautiful weather and don't let it start snowing too soon.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Preschool Presentation, Good Deals, Charlie Brown

Cougar had "his day" in preschool today which meant I got to go and observe for the day. He basically got to choose what they did all day. He got to help lead the class in songs, decide what they did outside, which book they read (If You Give a Pig a Pancake), he even got to bring the snack (Teddy Grahams Trail Mix and Kool-aid) and present a poster about himself. We had worked on the poster the night before and he picked all kinds of pictures (many of which have been posted on this blog at some point) and colored it with markers. Since he started preschool I've been thrown for a loop because he's influenced by someone when I'm not there. He says things to me and talks about things and I have no idea what he's talking about. So, it was fun to be able to observe his class and his teacher. Things make a little more sense, now. Like when Cougar asked me one day out of the blue "May I have more milk, please" (I try to instill good manners, but have never worked on 'may I') Well, Miss Marilyn helps them to use good manners. When he was coloring his poster with markers he kept telling me "Listen for the clip" as he was putting the lid on. Today Miss Marilyn got out some markers and said "Make sure when you're done you put the lid on and listen for the click." It's just so strange to me to not know everything that Cougar is involved with anymore. It was also fun to see him interact with the other kids. It's a little different than when he's with his cousins or at nursery. He's rather funny. He was swinging on a two person swing with a little girl and they were getting pretty high and he yells at the top of his lungs "Miss Marilyn!" (he was pretending like I wasn't there most of the day) "We're on our way to Jesus!"
We went to DI today. I had a brilliant idea to use a dish drying rack to hold Cougar's bath toys (they never seem to get dry and it's really been driving me nuts lately. It's hard to get clean when the bath toys are slimy). I also have been on a picture book rampage. I searched the shelves of DI a while ago and found so many that we love that I can't go without spending about 1/2 hour searching for more fun books. Well, I found a real treasure today and just have to share. I found "Where the Wild Things Are" which is a book I believe no home should be without, but somehow we were without it. It's in pristine condition! No tears, marks or damage of any kind. It was a dollar. I felt like it was a little pricy for a second hand book and almost put it back, but it is a hardback. I talked my cheap self into it. (Yay me!)
I rented "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" for Cougar this week and he's watched it over and over and over again. (He's got a thing for pumpkins lately) I think he memorized it so I shouldn't be surprised that when I dropped something at DI today he said "Mom, you blockhead" I was a little taken a back, but he meant it in a loving way, like when I call him a stinker, but you should have seen the face of the old lady standing near us. She was shocked!
The picture is something Cougar found at DI that he absolutely couldn't live without and for 5o cents I thought "what the heck, we can add it to our sorry dress up box" He loves it and wore it for quite a while tonight. It you can't tell, it's a sunflower headband. Goofball.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Why is it so quiet??
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Salem Pet Fair

Cougar and I went to the Salem Pet Fair today. I volunteer for a rescue and adoption agency and they were basically in charge of it, so I was helping. Cougar had a blast. He played on the playground for most of the day. Except when they were having worm races. Basically, each kid picks a worm and puts in in a circle that's about 3 inches in diameter. The first worm to make it out of the circle wins the race. Well, when the race was over the people in charge told a few of the little boys to keep the worms so Cougar ended up with a cup full of about 20 nightcrawlers. I've decided that's the best way to keep a little boy entertained he played with them for hours and is still playing with them. He also got this cool caterpillar painted on his face. He thinks he's the luckiest kid in the world.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
A Great End to the Day.
A Rough Start to the Day.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Baby Ella is Here!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Growing Too Fast.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Funny Sidenote
Christopher Robin
Monday, September 8, 2008
Harvest Time!

We had homegrown corn for dinner tonight. Mark and I picked it right out of our yard and it was not only edible, but delicious! (IFA's TripleSweet corn seed, if you're wondering what kind it was) And what did we have to accompany this fine vegetable? Turkey Pastrami Sandwiches. Delish! I almost felt like I was back at Lake Powell. To top off such a fantastic dinner Mark came home right as I was dishing Cougar and I up (he was about 1/2 hour sooner than expected) so we got to eat together as a family. Wonderful! Cougar says "Thanks for making dinner, Mommy" just about every night. (Even when Daddy made it). Tonight he said "Great dinner, Mom!" I love that. It gives me just a glimpse of what it would be like if I actually enjoyed cooking. :)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Cougar's First Day of School
Friday, August 29, 2008
Somebody Explain!!
Monday, August 25, 2008
I have emerged!
In case anybody was wondering I am two weeks past the time I had Cougar (he was born at 31 weeks and I'm now almost to 33). My blood pressure is lower than it usually is when I'm non-prego. (About 100/60) I'm very quickly beginning to realize that I really missed the uncomfortable ending part of pregnancy. I feel like my belly button is going to rip open at any moment (For those of you that have finished it, this feeling combined with certain parts of Breaking Dawn have not helped my very strange prego dreams. I'm sure you can figure out what I'm talking about, if not don't worry about it, it's not going to change your life)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Lake Powell 2008
Here's a wonderful picture of Cougar helping to catch a fish. I was in the middle of changing his diaper and putting on his pjs when Grampa hooked a catfish. The fish couldn't wait for Cougar to get dressed.
The beach was covered with little toads that Cougar could catch all by himself. He loved it. Little boy heaven, that's the definition of Lake Powell.
We got to go on a couple of (not exactly successful) striper fishing trips. Here's what I got when I asked him to show me his excited about going fishing face. Cousin Emma is looking cute as usual in the background.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Worries Come True
Friday, July 25, 2008
Pioneer Day
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Fiesta Days!
Once again a merry-go-round, but this time with motorcycles! He had this ride to himself, too. My little brother used to misprounce motorcycles by saying motorsnycles. Mark still calls them motorsnycles and asked Cougar "What do you want to ride? A motorsnycle?" Cougar promptly responded "No, Dad. A motorCYCLE!" He didn't say it, but you could see him thinking "duh Dad"
I took Cougie on the Dragon "roller coaster" and while standing in line he watched all the kids put their hands up in the air and scream so he knew exactly what to do when he got on. I was surprised I knew he would have fun, but I thought he would maintain a white knuckle grip on the bar. Nope, he's fearless. He threw his hands up in the air and was happy screaming right along with the rest of the kids. This is a picture of our re-enanctment. I guess I've found my roller coaster riding partner.
Here he is riding the up and down spinning thing. He was very concerned everytime that little girl let go of the handle in front of her. I saw him say "hold on" and grab her hand and put it back on the handle a couple of times. Bossy, safety kid.
Riding in a lady bug. Nice smile. This is him saying cheese. I've started asking for a nice smile instead, but most of the time he says "I can't smile, my stomach's sore".
This is the first ride he went on. He loved it. He "drove" that jeep all around the tiny track. It's so funny how such a little ride can be such a thrill.
Cougar and Mark also rode the Ferris Wheel. I was going to go, but they kicked me off as soon as they saw I was pregnant, oh well. It's probably for the best, I enjoy roller coasters and such, but when the Ferris Wheel stops and you're just sitting there at the very, very top I get really nervous and I probably would have crushed Cougar's arm holding on so he wouldn't fall.
We had a great time and Cougar asked to go back "next week" We said "How 'bout next year?" and he promptly agreed. He has no clue the difference between a day, week or year, but I guess knowing he can go back at all is good enough for him.